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Testimonies of Healing

Because I am beginning in a small...

From the December 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Because I am beginning in a small degree to realize how important it is to be steadfastly grateful for all right ideas, as they unfold, and to express that gratitude, I want to give my testimony. Christian Science has given me help, comfort, and a better understanding all along the way, when I have turned to it for help and made the right effort.

My gratitude for the healings which I have had through the kind help of practitioners, is lasting, for each healing, no matter how hard has seemed the condition to be overcome, has been like a clear, gentle lesson I do not want to forget. Progress has always followed every healing, and I have learned to give up error and accept more of the truth. As I study Christian Science, and try daily to practice what I understand, I am learning that progress can be painless.

I have had many healings, but one healing which stands out to me was of pain in my side, from which I had suffered since childhood. This condition went on until, while on a long automobile trip away from home, I was taken very ill, and it seemed hard for me to continue the journey in the car. I awoke one night in great pain. A member of my family telephoned to a practitioner, who kindly gave me help. She told me not to fear, but to continue my trip with joy. I slept soundly, and finished the trip the next day. Material reasoning suggested that I had been merely carsick, but at the end of the trip I became ill again. This time stubborn beliefs were given up. and in two treatments I received permanent freedom. I have also been healed of earaches and fear of cold weather. I am glad to be learning that one's body does not have dominion over him.

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