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From the February 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In all the world's experience there is but one example of a complete and perfect mastery over all human conditions. Jesus of Nazareth was the perfect Lord and Master. We have but to recall some of his deeds, some of those marvelous examples of an instantaneous mastery over untoward human conditions, to appreciate the truth of his mighty claim, "Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

Can we not imagine the awe and wonder of those who beheld epilepsy healed before their very eyes? Jesus' disciples had failed to heal an epileptic boy; and the father, at Jesus' bidding, told him something of his son's life story and asked for help. Then in amazement he beheld his son healed by Jesus—set free from every vestige of a cruel claim regarded as chronic and incurable.

Jesus saw disease as a falsity, utterly impossible in Truth, and, therefore, to be destroyed as a dream. At the moment of this healing, Jesus must have been aware of something which was unknown to any other of his day and age. He must, indeed, have been fully aware of the secret of real Life, the secret of perfect spiritual mastery. What he within himself was conscious of, and knew to be an eternal fact of being, was instantly made manifest in an improved human condition.

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