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From the February 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On the seething ocean of human experience mortals must find the way to safety and security. There is need for a scientific way—a way of knowing and proving, by means of which men may steer their life course between the Scylla and Charybdis of false beliefs and human concepts, opinions, theories, material conditions, and mental evils—the world, the flesh, and the devil. The outside view and evidence are neither promising nor encouraging. It is a sad, tired, sick, sinning, dying world which the five senses look out upon and bear witness to. There is great need of a Saviour, a Messiah, a remedy. From a vast multitude of blind, lame, halt, the cry goes up, "Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?"

Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, and the author of its textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," has, through inspiration, revelation, and demonstration, established the Science of Christianity, the Science of Mind, Spirit—Christian Science—which is exact, accurate, absolute, and final. She has given to the world the Science of Christ. She has presented to human understanding the impersonal, impartial, and universal truth. She has done this in such a way that this Science can be understood, and scientifically applied to each and every problem in human experience, in its every aspect. This coming of the Christ, Truth, to the human understanding is the appearing in individual human consciousness of the spiritual idea. It casts out the errors of material sense—sin, disease, and death. It brings full and final salvation, or healing. It establishes the kingdom of heaven on earth, that is, in spiritualized human consciousness. The advent of divine Science, the Holy Ghost, is the most important event in human history, save one, namely, the advent of Christ Jesus, "the human herald of Christ, Truth" (ibid., Pref., p. vii).

According to the teaching of Christian Science, there is one infinite divine Mind or intelligence, called God. This Mind possesses and expresses the spiritual qualities or attributes of omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience, besides which there is no power, presence, intelligence. Divine Mind is all-inclusive. It includes all that is good or Godlike, and knows no ungodlike, material belief. God, or Mind, is wholly and solely good. In the infinitude of spiritual good, all is well. Nothing unlike this All-good is real. Anything and everything unlike spiritual good is outside of spiritual reality, and is designated in Christian Science mortal, material belief.

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