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From the February 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

God giveth me a joy no man can take
Away from me, a joy that e'er remains
Untouched by sadness or by human fears,
Unchanged by sense-dreams or the passing years,
For sinless joy of Spirit never wanes.
Mine is the perfect joy come from above,
Redolent with meekness, radiant with love.
My Father-Mother giveth me this joy.

God giveth me my joy—its heavenly light
Outshines the sun, and it is far more fair
Than fleeting joys of earth, which men so prize,
For it is selfless joy, and as we rise
Through unselfed love on holy wings of prayer,
In Truth we see man's perfect selfhood shine,
Like to the Father—clothed with power divine.

God giveth man this pure, eternal joy.
Oh, wonderous joy which Love on all bestows!
Who finds the Christ, this heavenly blessing knows.

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