ALONE, like Lazarus of old, alone
Within the tomb of earthly hopes we lie;
Immobile there, now shines for us no sun,
Nor stars in splendor crown the evening sky.
The graveclothes of materiality
Bind fast our faith, obscure our vision free;
But suddenly a shaft of light pervades
The silent darkness drear,
For Science rolls away the stone
That seals our prison—clear
We hear its calm, firm summons to come forth
And loose our craven fear:
Come forth to life undimmed, to joy-filled days,
To peace that stills again,
So tenderly, in Love-exalted ways,
The restless clamor in the hearts of men;
Come forth to serve, in glad humility,
And find in evil no reality,
To know that Truth revealed all need supplies—
Oh, longing, modern Lazarus, arise!
From the April 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal