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From the May 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

[As published in the Christian Science Sentinel, April 1, 1939]

The election of W. Stuart Booth, C.S.B., a Trustee of The Christian Science Publishing Society, to be a Director of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, was announced on Monday, March 6. Mr. Booth succeeds Mr. William R. Rathvon, deceased, and has been nominated for the Trusteeships heretofore occupied by Mr. Rathvon. Mr. Booth has resigned as a Trustee of the Publishing Society.

A native of Iowa, Mr. Booth removed to Denver, Colorado, in early boyhood. He was educated in the public schools of Denver, after which he engaged in business for a number of years. Through the healing of his father, Mr. Booth's family became interested in Christian Science about forty-four years ago. Mr. Booth received class instruction in October, 1895, after which he devoted part of his time to the practice of Christian Science. Since 1911 he has given all of his time to Christian Science work. He is a member of The Mother Church, also of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Denver, Colorado, which he joined in 1896, and in which he served as First Reader. Mr. Booth later served for nine years as Committee on Publication for the State of Colorado.

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