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From the May 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There is much comfort for the student of Christian Science in Mrs. Eddy's statement (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 258), "Never born and never dying, it were impossible for man, under the government of God in eternal Science, to fall from his high estate."

The tenacity with which the human mind holds to the belief of material existence, of birth and death as the beginning and end, gives us plenty to do, in reasoning rightly and realizing man's eternal continuity of being.

Most religions teach that there is a future state after the death of the body, but few if any outside of Christian Science bring out the fact that birth is not the beginning of one's existence. The admission that life is continuous is most important. If we do not accept the truth that man is the exact image and likeness of perfect, infinite Mind, God, we have no basis for the healing or correction of a mistaken sense of ourselves and others, whence all our troubles originate.

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