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From the May 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When we first become interested in Christian Science, we are sometimes surprised to discover that our textbook, like other textbooks, requires persistent, precise, methodical study, and that results are obtained only by consistent, accurate, and thorough application of the divine Principle which it elucidates.

To be sure, a very little child gifted with loving insight may apply the Principle of Christian Science simply and successfully, because the child thought is clear, true, and obedient. It has less grasp of the letter than the mature scholar, less pride of opinion, prejudice, and fear of failure to overcome. But from one and all Christian Science requires obedience in the application of rules and strict faithfulness in following directions.

Because the divine Science of mental healing, discovered by Mary Baker Eddy over seventy years ago, nourishes and satisfies the affections, as truly as it cures physical diseases, some may confuse its methods, at first, with old religious traditions. They may fancy that by some strange, supernatural means a miracle will happen. But very early in his study the student realizes that, while the results of Christian Science healing are astonishing to those who do not understand the underlying Principle, to the earnest student the most gratifying thing is that healings are but the natural results of the operation of divine Principle.

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