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From the May 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"God is love." What comfort and encouragement come to us in these words of the Bible! Logically, the supreme, intelligent Principle of the universe, creating and maintaining every entity in it, could not be at enmity with anything in His universe, nor even apathetic toward it. God must be Love to be God.

Because God is Love, He loves everything He has made. Necessarily, He could not love what does not really exist, because what is not known cannot be loved. A misconception or mistake about man, as subject to sin or sickness, cannot be known or loved by perfect Mind or intelligence. Mind knows and loves only what is real and true; and knowledge of the spiritual fact destroys the mistake, which is unknown to God and hence unlovable.

As God loves all that He knows, He loves the true selfhood of each one of us. God knows and loves each one of us in his immortal individuality, tenderly, as an infinitely wise, understanding, compassionate Father-Mother. Principle must maintain every identity of its manifestation, or cease to exist as infinite Principle; and so God maintains the perfection and completeness of each one of His children. Being Love, He lovingly provides each of His children with the completeness of good—joy, freedom, opportunity, health, eternally unfolding unlimited happiness. Each one of us can say, "God knows and understands and loves me in my true individuality." Each can feel that God's irresistible power is protecting, maintaining, guiding, and inspiring him. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, who understood and loved God and God's children, sums it all up when she says (Church Manual, Art. VIII, Sect. 1), "In Science, divine Love alone governs man."

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