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From the January 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Scientists are aware of the necessity for unfaltering, enlightened faith in God, as an aid to establishing a healing through the operation of God's law. Experience has proved that in many instances, after consecrated work in Christian Science has been done, it may be necessary for patient and practitioner steadfastly to affirm the completeness and permanence of the healing, to the exclusion of error's suggestions to the contrary. Often, persistent, joyous acknowledgment of the certain healing effect of Truth, in Christian Science treatment, has resulted in permanent healing.

In cases of a seeming return of the false belief, the healing may be proved to be complete and permanent by the maintenance of an active, grateful, and firm realization that divine Love's work is finished, and cannot be reversed or made void; that the freedom gained through Christian Science treatment is based on unchanging divine law, and therefore cannot be reversed. Through enlightened faith, the student may take refuge in Truth and abide therein; for he is sure that Christian Science treatment, based on eternal Love, is effectual for everyone who turns to God for healing. Paul speaks of his work as "in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God."

Blind faith in God has been entertained by the upright in heart for many centuries, though Jesus' teaching and practice point to intelligent trust in God. Christ Jesus' realization of the real man's unity with God, with its healing effect for all who sought his help, came from his enlightened faith in or understanding of the power of God. The great Way-shower expressed sublime faith in God as Love, and without such confidence his experience of the cross could not have been crowned with the resurrection. Jesus' spiritual strength and ability to master all that opposed itself to Life, Truth, and Love were due to his faith in and understanding of God as all-power and all-presence. His great success appeared as failure to human sense; but to his clear vision reality appeared. He knew the truth and was free—free to show mankind the way out of all evil.

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