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From the January 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Have you grown weary of mortal seeming—
Weary of error's insistent din?
Turn, then, away from doleful dreaming,
Turn from the saddening scenes of sin.

"Come ye apart," the Christ is saying.
In answered stillness ye shall be blessed.
Come unto Christ through quiet praying;
Find sweet communion and Sabbath rest.

Drop all the burdens of futile striving—
The fear of loss and the pride of gain.
Heed not the voice of the world's conniving,
Turn from the struggle that ends in pain.

Open your eyes to true Christly seeing—
Here is no sinning, no strife nor stress.
Rest ye in holiness, in true being;
Come, be refreshed—so to heal and bless.

Seek the unfoldment of Truth's creating;
Open your heart to an angel guest!
Lift thought to heaven; your Father is waiting
To welcome you into His Sabbath rest.

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