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From the January 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Mortal mind claims that the supply necessary to existence comes through material means. It asserts that one is born a material babe, that his life and growth depend on material food, and that in order to maintain this sense of life he must receive an income in money, or its equivalent, to take proper care of his personal needs.

Fear of unemployment or a cessation of income has enslaved many, and has caused many of the ills which have befallen them. On page 70 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, has reversed these erroneous beliefs in her statement, "The testimony of the corporeal senses cannot inform us what is real and what is delusive, but the revelations of Christian Science unlock the treasures of Truth."

In the first chapter of Genesis one reads that God made man in His image, after His own likeness. So the thoughtful student will consider first of all what God is, in order to determine the nature of man and his needs. He will soon learn through the study of Christian Science that God is not only Life, but also Mind, Spirit, Love, Truth, Principle; that He is wholly good, self-existent Being, who creates and maintains His spiritual offspring, man. He learns also that spiritual man, created in the image of his Maker, is necessarily the reflection, manifestation, or expression of God, the supreme and infinite source of being. That this real man, the only man, is spiritually sustained, becomes obvious to the student, and he sets logically to work to discover the nature of infinite supply.

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