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From the January 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

To mankind in general, good has seemed far from being a unity— a unity of the all-embracing and ever-adequate character that it is shown in Christian Science to be. For example, life has been regarded as good, but as a different thing and separable from much else that is equally desirable, such as intelligence, power, and love; and these, in turn, have been considered to be separable one from another. But in Christian Science, all of them are discovered to be, in their real spiritual nature, inseparable. They are found to be not different things, but different aspects of the same thing.

This fact is set forth in the definition of God in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, as Life, Love, intelligence, and omnipotence—along with other terms—which are therefore synonymous with one another (see pp. 587, 275). They are different names for the one divine Principle, which is infinite good. Mrs. Eddy makes it altogether clear that "Principle and its idea is one, and this one is God, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent Being, and His reflection is man and the universe" (ibid., pp. 465, 466). Every manifestation of Life is therefore necessarily a manifestation of Love, of intelligence, and of power.

The practical value of the unity of good, as thus disclosed, is immediately clear to anyone who grasps it. The unsatisfactory character of life as one has known it may have been very apparent to him, but having no scientific standard to guide him, he may not have understood what to do about it. Learning through Christian Science, however, that in its true spiritual nature life is also love, he begins to strive for realization of the Life which is Love. Hatred falls away in some measure, if that has been troubling him. Fear lessens its hold on him. Selfishness becomes less attractive. And proportionally as these false beliefs are put off, life which reflects Life, God, is revealed to him in its true strength and richness. Weakness, disease, unhappiness, poverty may quickly disappear for him, as they have for multitudes of others, by this simple, scientific procedure. By loving more truly and fully, one lives more truly and fully, for the reason that Love is Life.

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