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From the November 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the healing ministry of Christ Jesus, one demonstration of the power of God stands out with great significance. In the Gospels of Mark and Luke it is recorded that on a certain occasion when Jesus was thronged with the multitude seeking spiritual enlightenment and healing, there came to him one of the rulers of the synagogue whose name was Jairus, and who fell at the Master's feet earnestly beseeching him to come and heal his young daughter, who lay at home critically ill. Jesus went with him, and on their way messengers came to Jairus, saying, "Thy daughter is dead: why troublest thou the Master any further?" Whereupon Jesus spoke these comforting and sustaining words: "Be not afraid, only believe."

As the Master approached the house, he saw a turbulent scene with much weeping and loud lamenting. Whereupon he began to take command of the situation, rebuking the stir of human emotions, and saying to the mourners and unbelievers who stood about, "Why make ye this ado, and weep? the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth." They did not understand him and "laughed him to scorn." Putting them all out of the house, save the child's father and mother and the three disciples, he entered in "where the damsel was lying." The demonstration which followed proved the healing efficacy of Spirit. The Master was working with God, divine Mind. He understood mortal existence to be but an illusion; he knew the unreality of that which is not good, including disease and death. Moreover, he knew that the dark and depressing discords of mortal sense would disappear in the light of Truth; and the child was instantaneously healed, resuscitated. The Master had truly taken command; he had asserted the supremacy of good over that which is not good. He had scientifically handled and destroyed the false claims of mortal sense, and the healing power of God was demonstrated.

In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mary Baker Eddy writes (p. 403), "You command the situation if you understand that mortal existence is a state of self-deception and not the truth of being." Indeed, Jesus knew this great fact about existence, and he healed the sick, raised the dead, and fed the multitudes in desert places. He even commanded the winds and the waves and they obeyed him. And it is on this basis, namely, that man's true existence is not mortal but spiritual, and therefore indestructible, that Christian Scientists everywhere are demonstrating the healing and resuscitating power of the Christ, Truth. Through Christian Science we learn that discordant mortal existence is but a mortal dream, from which the individual awakens as the light of Truth dawns upon his consciousness.

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