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From the November 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Right thinking is of paramount importance—now. It is clear that if wrong thinking has brought about wrong world conditions, right thinking alone can correct them.

Right thinking is based upon the understanding of spiritual truth, and is possible in proportion to that understanding. The student of Christian Science is equipped to acquire this understanding, for he possesses as his textbooks for study the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and other writings by Mary Baker Eddy. With this equipment, the Christian Scientist accepts the responsibility for his own right thinking. He accepts it with gratitude, deep humility, and certainty of its efficacy. He holds to the supremacy and allness of God, as revealed by Christian Science, and to the statement in Genesis, that God made man in His own image.

Man reflects God and expresses His qualities. This is true of man whether we are conscious of it or not. Individuals who are conscious of the unity of God and man are capable of using the weapon of right thinking, which never fails. Those who are not cognizant of this spiritual fact may be wielding the weapon of wrong thinking, which always fails. Failure inheres in error, which is self destructive. Right thinking, based upon the understanding of Truth, is both a shield and a weapon. It protects the right thinker and foils the thrusts of error. Who would not, then, equip himself with this righteous weapon, this "sword of the Spirit"? In Proverbs is the admonition, "With all thy getting get understanding."

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