About twenty-three years ago, I became very uneasy with regard to the religion in which I had been brought up, and which I had accepted almost unquestioningly. My earliest years were spent in India, where my father, an Episcopal clergyman, was engaged in army chaplaincy and educational and pastoral work. Though I was certain that missionary labor in the teaching and preaching of Christianity brought immeasurable benefit and comfort to countless people, yet, as I grew more thoughtful, it became apparent to me, as to many others, that the spiritual power "with signs following," which accompanied the preaching of Christ Jesus and the apostles, was generally lacking in orthodox religions at home and abroad; not only so, but the explanations usually given for this lack seemed unsatisfying.
I had a deep and trustful affection for the Bible, and in my hour of uncertainty I turned to its promises of wisdom and guidance. I did not launch "out into the deep" and let go of creed and dogma, however, until the day a Christian Science Sentinel was brought to my home. When I read its pages, I received an influx of spiritual light which nothing has ever taken from me. I glimpsed God's allness and the consequent fact of evil's nothingness. It seemed to me that heaven's doors had opened and I was entering in. About the same time, I heard of an instantaneous healing through Christian Science. The patient had been dying, it was said, and two days later she was out and about, well.
Since studying the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and the other writings of Mary Baker Eddy, I have grown in the understanding of God and His law, and have experienced healing. On one occasion I was delivered from a painful condition in one of my feet by the words from "Miscellaneous Writings" by Mrs. Eddy (p. 123), "That man can break the forever-law of infinite Love, was, and is, the serpent's biggest lie!" At another time I was healed in one treatment of a swollen, rheumatic knee; and, also through treatment by a Christian Science practitioner, teeth have been saved and my sight has been improved.