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Testimonies of Healing

Although I attended Protestant Sunday...

From the February 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Although I attended Protestant Sunday schools as a little child, the teaching I received did not impress me. While I was convinced that Jesus meant us really to follow in his footsteps, I made no practical application of this conviction to my life, and my concept of God was very confused.

From earliest recollection I had idolized my mother. When I was ten years old she passed on after a short illness. There was no one else to whom I felt close, and when she was gone the world looked very dark and empty. I was filled with a sense of great bitterness toward and hatred of God, for I thought He had taken her from me and I did not want to live without her.

While I was in this state of thought a friend took me to the Christian Science Sunday School. The truth which was unfolded to me healed me of this sense of bitterness and hatred and gave me a better concept of God as good only. It also destroyed my belief in death as having reality. On page 251 of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy is this statement: "In the illusion of death, mortals wake to the knowledge of two facts: (1) that they are not dead; (2) that they have but passed the portals of a new belief." This passage was of immeasurable comfort to me.

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