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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science means everything...

From the February 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science means everything to me. for not only has it saved my life, but it has also filled it with health, harmony, and happiness.

When I turned to Christian Science for healing I "had suffered many things of many physicians ... and was nothing bettered." For three years I had been a semi-invalid, spending the greater part of my time in bed. There were continuous attacks of grippe, which a well-known specialist in a large city attributed to an infection of the antrum. For three years I went constantly to his office for treatment and during that time underwent four operations. I was sent south every winter, but came back little better. The day came when I was told that nothing further could be done for me and that I must live in a dry climate in the West. I decided to spend the winter there to see what it would accomplish. A friend of mine who was a Christian Scientist accompanied me, and I noticed that all the circumstances connected with travel seemed to go very smoothly, much more so than usual.

After a few weeks in the California desert there was some improvement, but after I left, the gain was soon lost and finally, while we were staying in New Mexico, I came down with influenza. My friend, before continuing her trip east, said that if other healing methods failed, I might try Christian Science. Week after week went by and I was steadily losing ground, and after five weeks of illness I feared that I should never get well, for I was too weak to overcome the infection. At this point I remembered my friend's parting words. I procured a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and read it through. I then asked for help from a practitioner in another city. A few hours after the telephone call was made I was able to get up and do a little packing. The next day I finished packing the trunk, and the third evening had my first meal downstairs, later driving three quarters of an hour in the bus to catch the night train east.

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