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Testimonies of Healing

If I were asked what I considered...

From the February 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

If I were asked what I considered my most precious earthly possessions I would answer without hesitation that the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, mean more to me than any other thing. I first found a reason for my existence when I started the study of Christian Science. I was not thinking of physical healing, although I needed it, because I seemed to be delicate and at times a semi-invalid. I believed that I was investigating a new philosophy in my search for a logical explanation of this unsatisfactory world. Very soon I realized that my search was ended; that all my questioning would be answered if I continued this stupendous and all-absorbing study. I joined a branch church and The Mother Church when I had proved but little of this truth, and under the most active opposition of all those whom I held most dear. But I had awakened to the fact that I was benefiting by and enjoying a number of activities of the church organization, such as the services, Reading Rooms, lectures, the periodicals, and others, and that I was selfishly taking without giving. How could I better begin to pay my debt to God, to Christ Jesus, to our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, and the many faithful workers in the Field, than by giving my services to the organization!

I have now proved in numerous instances that thinking in a Christianly scientific way heals. Because physical ills are really only mental illusions, physical healing has gone hand in hand with mental and moral improvement. Many physical difficulties dropped away without any-specific work on my part, as through the consistent study of Christian Science I began to learn more about God and man's relationship to Him. Severe periodic headaches, constipation, chronic throat trouble with frequent loss of voice, are a few of the ills which disappeared, and were never thought of again, unless recalled by some incident. I have been healed instantly of burns, and several times of severe, sudden pain. Other healings have come more slowly.

One outstanding healing was that of the effects of a fall down some steps, when my foot was twisted under me. The pain seemed so terrible that I felt I was losing consciousness. Then these words from Science and Health (p. 536) came to me: "The divine understanding reigns, is all, and there is no other consciousness." I rose and walked! The next day I went to a picnic and took part in active games. However, that night my foot was very painful and swollen. I noticed that a piece of bone was protruding, but I felt no fear. I saw the completeness of God's creation, in which nothing can be broken, out of place, or injured. The pain left me during the night, and the foot became normal in a short time. Twice during an attack of influenza I felt as if I were passing on. But as I was losing consciousness all fear left me and I was comforted with the thought that we cannot pass anywhere because we can never leave the presence of all-encompassing Love. I awoke with a wonderful feeling of peace, and the complete healing followed soon afterwards.

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