The healing I wish to relate means so much to me that it seems as if I could find no words to express my gratitude.
For a great many years an indefinable mental burden lay upon me, and this burden was reflected in my body. My legs and back were without strength, and this weakness made walking very slow and very difficult for me. I had to lean on a cane when I walked. The action of the heart was irregular and I was short of breath. This condition often filled me with the greatest anxiety.
Christian Science was a great help to me in this prolonged testing time. I never allowed self-pity to enter my consciousness, I did not complain to anyone, and I did not tell anyone how much this condition hampered my joy and my activity. One day I felt that it had become almost impossible to make the short distance from my home to the car stop. I saw that this condition threatened to paralyze me and prevent me from serving our great Cause, which is my very life, and I asked help of a practitioner.