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Testimonies of Healing

When a young girl, I attended a...

From the February 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When a young girl, I attended a piano recital as a guest of a Christian Science practitioner. I was deeply impressed with her sweetness, graciousness, and poise; because of the love she expressed, it was a great joy just to be with her, and it came to me then that this was because she was a student of Christian Science.

Seventeen years later, a serious sickness came upon me. I had been treated for an ailment which the finest of doctors could not diagnose to their own satisfaction, and they finally sent me home from the sanatorium after telling me that the best I could hope for would be the life of an invalid. Just about this time, my little daughter began attending a Christian Science Sunday School with a friend. I permitted her to purchase the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker" Eddy. We both at once loved these books. I am grateful that God guided me to a Christian Science practitioner, who had a beautiful understanding of the Bible and the writings of Mrs. Eddy, and to whom I turned for help after the experience at the hospital. Her first statement to me, "God will help you," brought so much good cheer that the doleful sense I had carried for so long gave way to hope.

The next day I went again to the practitioner's office, and I was assured that God does not send disease to His child, made in His image and likeness, for God is Love, and therefore nearer and dearer to me than my very breath. Then she told me the story of Joseph and his pure, Christlike character. I was instantaneously healed, and I was convinced of the truth of the words: "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee." When I returned home. I took up the duties which I had not been permitted to do for weeks. Singing for joy, I completely forgot about the physical body.

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