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From the July 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

To her Church at its Annual Meeting in 1901, Mary Baker Eddy wrote (p. 1), "The baptism of the Spirit, and the refreshment and invigoration of the human in communion with the Divine, have brought you hither."

Those who attended the Annual Meeting this year, and those who heard or read from afar of its ever-unfolding activities, will have felt this refreshment and invigoration, and their thoughts been filled with profound gratitude for their Leader's priceless gift to humanity. Amidst the gigantic happenings taking place in the world today, the Christian Science movement is bringing in ever greater and wider measure health, salvation, and deliverance to mankind. The resolve of Christian Scientists everywhere will be to prove worthy of this great heritage, knowing that upon their consecration and love depends the prosperity of The Mother Church and its branches, and therefore the emergence of all men into a world of order and of peace.

The meeting was opened with the singing of Hymn No. 160, "It matters not what be thy lot," the words of which were written by our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy. The retiring President, John Randall Dunn, then read the following passages from the Bible, with correlative passages from the Christian Science textbook. "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy:

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