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From the July 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There are many today who are looking for a refuge from the tempest of present world events. They are groping in the darkness for someone or something that will lead them out and plant their feet on a firm foundation. At the same time they look with apprehension at what appears to be the enormity of the world situation, and realize the frailty and limitation of human thought and planning and the futility of searching in that direction for deliverance.

Humanity today is turning to God for light whereby to solve individual and international problems; and Christian Science holds high the torch of revelation which is lighting the way out of accepted human theories—theories which are falling short of cherished hopes and anticipations. This Science reveals the fact that the seeming cause of all discord, sin, disease, war, tribulation, is the belief that man has, contained in himself, life which can die, substance which can be impaired, supply which can be lost or depleted, and thought which is circumscribed and limited, dependent on matter for expression. From this false premise arise the desperate race for place and power, the aggression which would seize the lands and possessions of others, subjugate nations, and compel the necessity for national self-preservation and defense.

Christian Science is leading men back to fundamental facts of creation, to the understanding of man's original, unchanging dominion, substance, and intelligence. It is revealing the demonstrable certainty that there are no limits to thought and power when their true spiritual nature is discerned, when we realize they have their source in God, Mind, and must therefore continuously be manifested.

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