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From the July 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One of the vital concerns of the business man—be he engineer, executive, or salesman—is production. Production must be kept up or there will be stagnation in the business cycle, with resulting unemployment and distress. According to human belief, there are many factors which tend to make production uncertain, and which claim to limit or halt productive processes. From the material standpoint the outlook of the business man is far from being one of continuous hopefulness.

Christian Science, however, brings to this prospect in human experience another view. It lifts thought from the uncertainty and hopelessness of the material sense to the spiritual fact of creation. It shows that, since God is the only creator, the real creation is sustained by Spirit and governed by divine Mind. The spiritual sense of production, therefore, may be gained from Christian Science, wherein it will be found to be an effect of divine Principle. Spiritual understanding beholds the perfect manifestations of infinite divine Principle, Mind. In the reality of being all is harmony.

Those accustomed to regard production solely as material must lay aside this notion in order to understand the unlimited nature of spiritual substance and reality. True production is the utilization of the ideas of divine Mind. Utilizing divine ideas, one is not duped or thwarted by material illusions, for he knows the unreality of error.

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