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From the December 1943 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A United States soldier confined to a hospital bed asked, in his extreme need, to see a Christian Scientist. When the Christian Scientist reached his bedside, the soldier was heard to murmur, "Too late, too late!" Immediately the response came in clear, confident words, "Just in time, just in time!"

This positive declaration, expressing the speaker's complete confidence in the healing potency of Truth and in its ever-present availability for everyone, promptly silenced the false suggestion of limited opportunity. The young man's instant freedom from pain and suffering, and his return to normal health and activity in the days following, testify to the correctness of the statement made by the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science. Mary Baker Eddy (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 55): "The time for the reappearing of the divine healing is throughout all time." In the heaven of His presence opportunity is unlimited; there is no "Too late."

Divine healing takes place the very instant God is acknowledged as the sole reality of existence. Healing is not, strictly speaking, the disappearance of a discordant condition, which never really existed; it is the reappearing to human consciousness, in some degree, of man's original state of spiritual perfection. Throughout eternity God maintains man as His essential witness to the unbroken continuity of immortal Life. Being in the service of his Maker and under the protection of the Most High, man has divine authority to exercise dominion over the restrictive beliefs of mortal time and sense. As it becomes evident that mortal mind, through its ceaseless suggestions of limitation, is necessarily self-destructive, thought turns seriously to contemplate the eternal facts of Spirit. When one stanchly refuses to place his trust in other powers, and steadfastly acknowledges God as the only presence, power, and intelligence, he will demonstrate the permanence and indestructibility of his spiritual life.

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