God's command to the children of Israel that they go forward has come ringing down the centuries. Today, as always, this command is imperious, for progress is the unalterable law of God. It is the infinite law of Love unfolding in consciousness. It is the impelling force of good manifesting itself. And because man, God's idea, is amenable to this law, man's potentialities for good are limitless.
But since progress is the compelling law of God, why is it not apparent at all times? What hides its operation? Christ Jesus, the Way-shower, in his reply to a certain ruler, as recorded in the nineteenth chapter of Matthew, answers these questions. In response to the rich young man's query as to how he might attain eternal life, the Master replied, "Keep the commandments."
And it is in proportion to the practical application of the Commandments in our own daily lives that we too experience a fuller sense of life. Do we refrain from killing, by thought or word, the tender Christlike image that is emerging in our own or another's consciousness? Do we keep thought and conversation pure? Do we refuse to steal not only our neighbor's purse but his good name, his joy, his faith? Do we judge righteous judgment, and thereby bear witness only to good in ourselves or in behalf of our fellow man? And to those who are expressing to us protection, wisdom, love, do we show respect and courtesy, thereby honoring both our human parents and our Father-Mother, God? If so, we are no doubt experiencing a more abundant sense of life.