During a holiday season I became ill with influenza. With Christian Science help I was able to return to work after remaining home one day. After working four days of twelve hours each, I returned to my home, suffering from a relapse. The error was manifesting itself so strongly that anyone who did not understand and realize the ever-presence of God might have wondered how I reached home safely. The truth was declared and help was asked for and given. The disease appeared as fever, pleurisy, delirium, uremic poisoning, and pneumonia, and it seemed as if I was in danger of passing on. I was delirious for days, but error's reality was consistently denied and the supremacy of Truth declared. Finally I drifted into a restful sleep, which was almost unbroken for more than thirty hours. When I awoke it was evident that once again Truth was triumphant and all error was vanishing into its nothingness. During this experience I was given food and drink without interruption. There was no inaction, and I have no remembrance of having suffered any great discomfort for very long. Without steadfast reliance on Truth this healing could not have been accomplished.
I should like to mention that during this period it was necessary to secure the services of a nurse. She had never worked with a Christian Science practitioner, her only experience having been with doctors and materia medica. She became very much interested in the case, and was impressed when she saw how each error yielded to the power of Truth. When she was first called in she had no hope that I would recover. Before she left, she asked for and received some literature to read.
This testimony would not be complete without expressing my gratitude to God for sustaining my family, and to the practitioner who worked so earnestly and untiringly during this experience. I am also grateful for Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, for all activities connected with this movement, for membership in The Mother Church and in a branch church, and for class instruction.—Sr., New Orleans, Louisiana.