European Bureau: Burwood House, Caxton Street, London, S.W. 1, England. Australia and New Zealand Bureau: 46 Pitt Street, Sydney, Australia.
Miss Evelyn F. Heywood, C. S. B., who for the past more than five years has given faithful and devoted service to the movement as Associate Editor of The Christian Science Journal, the Christian Science Sentinel, and The Herald of Christian Science in its several editions, has requested that she not be reappointed to that office for the coming year. Miss Heywood desires again to make London, England, which is her field of labor as a teacher of Christian Science, her home. In accepting her resignation, this Board has conveyed to Miss Heywood its sincere appreciation for the inspiration and help which her years of service in Boston as Associate Editor have brought to the Field.
Miss Heywood has accepted election to membership on The Christian Science Board of Lectureship, and she will devote the coming year to lecturing on Christian Science in Great Britain and Ireland.