Creation is dynamic, full of action. Physical science regards every material thing, however solid it may seem, as made of minute units of motion or energy. Everything that goes to make up the material universe it holds to be in a state of constant vibration. Nothing is wholly quiescent, passive, static.
Spiritual Science teaches that all reality is ever active. God is omniaction, and His never-ceasing action—the action of Mind —is expressed by man, collectively and individually. The spontaneous, perpetual motion, movement, or action of Mind, which man lives to express, is never monotonous, fatiguing, or depressing, but always tireless, joyous, and refreshing.
Every waking hour your consciousness is the scene of action. Thoughts come and go. The sequence of your thoughts is never identical with the thought processes of any other individual. In Science all individuals are endowed with equal ability to reflect Mind, but no two individuals ever reflect the ideas of Mind in identical sequence, order, or relatedness. Of the neverending activity that characterizes God's creation Mrs. Eddy says, "Creation is ever appearing, and must ever continue to appear from the nature of its inexhaustible source" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 507). And again she tells us (ibid., pp. 502, 503), "This creation consists of the unfolding of spiritual ideas and their identities, which are embraced in the infinite Mind and forever reflected."