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Testimonies of Healing

Mrs. Eddy has said on page vii of the...

From the December 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Mrs. Eddy has said on page vii of the Preface to Science and Health, "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings." From the first day of the ten years I have been a student of Christian Science my blessings have indeed been innumerable. I am so grateful for each one that I should like to give this testimony, praying that it may help someone who is standing on the threshold of absolute trust in God to go forward knowing that, as our Leader says (ibid., p. 410), "Christian scientific practice begins with Christ's keynote of harmony, 'Be not afraid!'"

Just before I was led into Christian Science and during long-drawn-out medical treatments following an operation, bad physical symptoms occurred, together with great fear, which grew greater during the weeks of treatment until it seemed as if the physical condition and the fear of it were literally destroying me. All during this experience my husband and I spent a great deal of time in prayer, asking God for help and spiritual understanding. After about two or three months Christian Science was recommended to me. I knew nothing about it, but went to a practitioner, who lovingly helped me out of this "valley of the shadow." After my first visit to the practitioner all medical treatment and medicine were stopped. I never went back to the doctor, and in a short time my complete healing came about. I at once took up the study of Christian Science. It was then, is now, and always will be "the fountain of life" to me. As Christ Jesus said to the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:14), "The water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life."

Following this experience we were enabled to buy a new home, my husband's business was established, and there never has been the slightest need or lack of any sort. "Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need" (Science and Health, p. 494). During the years beautiful healings have been accomplished for my husband and me through Christian Science, healings of chronic hay fever, boils, food poisoning, infections of eye, ear, nose, and throat, and influenza; also at four different times, in different parts of the body, pain has been destroyed. A bad skin condition on the hands was healed. Some of these healings took place instantaneously and others took longer, but through each one was realized greater growth in spiritual understanding and in the demonstration of the power of divine Love. For this I am profoundly grateful.

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