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From the December 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Once pride of intellect and a desire for scholastic distinction impelled a student of Christian Science to undertake a program of twice the normal number of university courses. The result was that before very long a nervous breakdown seemed inevitable. At this point the student was asked, "Are you humble enough to disappoint your professors, drop some courses, and put your study of Christian Science first again in your affections?" The student was brokenhearted, for she admired these professors, and their praise seemed all important to her.

Returning to her room and earnestly praying to God for guidance, she took her Bible in her hands. It opened to the twelfth chapter of Ecclesiastes, where these words met her eyes (verses 12, 13): "By these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." Humbly and gratefully she realized that God had spoken to her and had rebuked her pride. Promptly thereafter the extra courses were dropped; Christian Science was again put first, and as a consequence the breakdown was averted.

Such experiences lead one to ask himself whenever difficulties arise, To what extent is the poison of pride—either frustrated, or hurt, or indulged—responsible for my suffering today? Such experiences also prove that our heavenly Father will show us how to uncover and overcome this evil, if we will let Him.

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