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Testimonies of Healing

Much too long have I delayed the writing...

From the December 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Much too long have I delayed the writing of this testimony of the great good and the blessings that have come to me through the study and application of Christian Science as given to the world by our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy.

It was about twenty-eight years ago that this pearl of great price came to my notice. At that time, like the woman mentioned in the Bible (Mark 5:26), I "had suffered many things of many physicians." When I was in the office of a well-known surgeon who had been treating me for a complication of diseases, including gastritis, chronic stomach trouble, and constipation, this statement was made to me by the physician: "I have tried everything I know of to help you. I feel I cannot do anything more." He continued by saying: "Why don't you try Christian Science? I don't know whether it will help you physically, but I think it will benefit your mental condition." I had great respect for this man's ability and wisdom, so I decided to investigate and to discover what Christian Science is. I made an appointment with a Christian Science practitioner, and sat and wept while I poured out my story to her. I shall never forget how lovingly she assured me that God could heal me. She then proceeded to give me a treatment. When I left her home I felt as if I were walking on air, because in that one treatment I was completely healed of all the physical difficulties which many different doctors had failed to heal in all those years. It was truly a wonderful experience.

More recently, about eleven years ago, I was healed of a large internal fibroid tumor. This healing was very slow, extending over a period of eight years. However, I can truthfully say that this experience, while it was a fiery trial when I was going through it, proved to be a blessing. Many needed lessons were learned, especially the need of loving more universally. As one of my guides for healing I took the statement in Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy on page 242, lines 15 through 20.

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