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From the May 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It was Easter Sunday. The beautiful day was filled with the newness of springtide. Even the warmth of the sun seemed more benevolent and invigorating than usual. A family of Christian Science students were arriving home from a church service in a nearby town, the joy of the resurrection message awake in their hearts. They realized anew the import of Jesus' supreme example. He had proved beyond doubt the complete dominion that is given to man, God's likeness, and he taught his followers that they must do likewise. Through the study of the Scriptures and of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, these Christian Scientists had learned that life is eternal, ageless, and diseaseless. They were endeavoring to put into practice these truths that they had discerned and to give proof that mortals can resurrect themselves daily from sins and all error.

As they arrived home, one of the students was summoned to the bedside of a dying child. Never before had this student felt such a sense of humility. She turned immediately to her family and asked them to pray for her as she went out to meet this challenge to Christian Science. The child was suffering from double pneumonia, and the physician had given up the case. A relative remembered that there was one family of Christian Scientists in the town. She sent at once for the student whose prayers had resulted in instantaneous healings for her on several occasions.

As the student entered the house, her heart was singing with gratitude. She was especially glad that the call for help had come on Easter Sunday, for she knew that the proof of eternal life that Christ Jesus had given on that first resurrection day was conclusive, and that the same Christ, Truth, that had raised Jesus from the dead would raise this dying child through Christian Science. Her gratitude for this assurance filled the house so completely that it seemed the very roof must lift to give it place.

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