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From the May 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Who am I? What is the nature of God? What are the signs of His presence, and how can I prove His power? These were the questions Moses asked or implied when God called him to lead the Israelites out of their bondage to Pharaoh in Egypt. And since these fundamental questions are likely to be asked by everyone who seeks for himself or others divine deliverance from bondage to disease, lack, sin, discord, or dictatorship, it should be helpful to consider the answers Moses received.

To the first query (Ex. 3:11), "Who am I, . . . that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?" came God's reply, "I will be with thee." Here was no recognition of a limited ego or mortal personality. Rather was it a reiteration of the fact stated in Genesis that man, as Spirit's image and likeness, reflects the ever-presence and dominion of the creator.

The answer to the second inquiry, regarding God's name or nature, was the significant, all-embracing appellation, "I AM THAT I AM." Thus Deity declares His oneness and allness as infinite Being, the divine Mind, the only Ego, in whom man lives and moves and has his being as Mind's individualized expression. "I AM" signifies that evil is nonexistent. Because omnipotent Truth, divine good, is ever with man, His image, there is deliverance for mankind from every form of supposed captivity to error.

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