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From the May 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It must be interesting to have a business on this active corner," a student of Christian Science said to the attendant of a newspaper stand in a large city. "When the weather's good," was the reply. "But every day must bring new, interesting experiences." "When the weather's good," the attendant insisted.

The fact that the weather seemed to be so important to this corner merchant directed the attention of the student to the need to protect human consciousness from the limiting beliefs of mortal mind, which would hinder mankind's spiritual advancement. He realized with gratitude that Christian Science unfolds the power of Truth and teaches its scientific application under all conditions.

The understanding of God enables all men to prove man's divinely bestowed dominion over the vagaries of mortal thought. The desirable spiritual qualities which constitute the atmosphere of man's true consciousness—peace, intelligence, harmony, and health—have their source in God, the one divine Mind. Through Christian Science the student may obtain this spiritual consciousness in proportion to his faith in God and his understanding of man as His image and likeness. In fact, true faith is a practical understanding of the promise repeated throughout the Scriptures that God's presence is ever with man. The student of Christian Science can avail himself of the power of His presence as Principle; he can be blessed by the grace of His presence as Spirit; he can be imbued with the intelligent awareness of His presence as Mind, and he can be harmoniously activated by His presence as Life. "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths" (Prov. 3:6).

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