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From the May 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A Student of Christian Science observing a man fighting off an attack of blackbirds was reminded how he used to be attacked by these birds. At first he had thought it sport to fight them off but soon the attacks became a nuisance. Then his wife challenged him: "Why don't you meet it in Christian Science as you would any other error? Realize what God-given dominion is!"

It was plain to him that viciousness is a manifestation of mortal mind, and that fighting back, being an expression of hate, had in belief placed him on the mortal mind level and made evil appear to be real. He discarded this method and replaced the mortal concept of viciousness with the realization that birds are in reality spiritual ideas, existing high above material limitations. In the universe of God, man is His highest idea; the birds represent lesser spiritual ideas. The lesser ideas are not dominated by the higher, but they are included in their protection and are complementary thereto.

Through this realization of the spiritual nature of man and creation the student experienced a sense of unity with the lesser spiritual ideas that gave him dominion over the false manifestation of viciousness. The attacks ceased.

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