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From the May 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In "Unity of Good" Mary Baker Eddy writes (p. 13): "Science reverses the evidence of the senses in theology, on the same principle that it does in astronomy. Popular theology makes God tributary to man, coming at human call; whereas the reverse is true in Science. Men must approach God reverently, doing their own work in obedience to divine law, if they would fulfil the intended harmony of being." Obviously, in order to approach Him understandingly with "signs following," we must first gain a correct concept of God and of His spiritual creation.

Christian Science reveals the eternal spiritual facts of being, namely, the allness and perfection of God, infinite Mind, Spirit, Principle, and Life, and man's forever oneness, or unity, with God, the Father, as His perfect reflection, or expression. Science declares that God's universe is wholly spiritual, and in consequence matter, or evil, including sin, sickness, and other mortal discords, is unreal.

Having accepted the truth that perfect God knows no evil, the student of Christian Science proves inharmonious physical conditions and discordant material surroundings to be but false beliefs of mortal mind, without intelligence, reality, or power. It makes no difference, therefore, how aggressive mortal mind seems to be in promoting its erroneous arguments, for the Christian Scientist knows that if he is to destroy these arguments, he must not let his thought come down to the level of erring mortal belief and accept the testimony of material sense as true. Poised in the consciousness of the omnipotence and omnipresence of God, good, and man's relationship to divine Principle, he reflects the divine, immutable, and universal law of perpetual harmony. He overcomes the errors of material sense through the spiritual understanding of the power of Truth.

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