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Testimonies of Healing

It is with a deep sense of gratitude for...

From the March 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with a deep sense of gratitude for all that Christian Science has brought into my life since I began its study nearly three years ago that I give this testimony. The first Wednesday evening testimony meeting which I attended was a great comfort to me, for I was mentally and physically at the end of my endurance. What joy and peace came over me whilst listening to the beautiful readings from the desk. In that hour I found my Father-Mother God, and like a tired child I turned to the "everlasting arms of Love," and my burden was lifted. I borrowed the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, after the service, and began to study, reading many hours in the night and during the daytime. I could think of little else, and a deep sense of peace and joy came to me as I learned the truths of God and of man's relationship to Him, which the Bible and the Christian Science textbook reveal.

I experienced many healings. During the first month of study an extreme nervous debility, fear of darkness, insomnia, and a strained heart condition were healed. Within two months I had enrolled our four children in the Christian Science Sunday School, and this step brought further blessings into our home, for the children began to apply what they learned in the Sunday School.

One morning whilst preparing to study the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly, I began to seek for my glasses, which I had been told I must use for leading. I kept thinking I must have them, when I suddenly thought, Must I? I realized that this was the still, small voice speaking to me, and I said aloud, "Not my will but Thine, O Father." I started to read and was able to finish the whole of the Lesson without the glasses, and I have never required them since. Measles, ear troubles, and injuries from accidents were quickly healed through the help of a practitioner. A severe hand burn was also healed through my own application of the truth.

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