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From the March 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Joy is a quality of God, a spontaneous emanation of Him, which belongs to everyone and can be experienced now and forever. Christian Science teaches that all qualities of good are inherent in the divine Mind and belong to man as God's likeness. It also teaches that all qualities of good are essentially scientific, because they depend on divine Principle, God, and can always be demonstrated through Christian Science. Joy illustrates perfectly the truth of this Christianly scientific teaching.

According to human sense, joy seems to be something that comes and goes, or perhaps does not come at all; but the fact is that joy is eternally present. When one understands joy in its scientific meaning, he knows that he does not have to struggle or strive to set the stage humanly for its appearance.

Joy expresses itself naturally and without pretense. Its appearance is marked by newness of expression, with infinite shades of beauty and meaning; and, as with every other quality of God, good, when one recognizes joy as wholly spiritual he can demonstrate its presence.

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