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Testimonies of Healing

That God is "a God at hand" as...

From the March 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

That God is "a God at hand" as well as "a God afar off," the absolute assurance given us in Jeremiah (23:23), that He is knowable, ever present, and all-powerful, and that Christian Science is the final and complete revelation of the truth of God and man, is indeed the pearl of great price.

My family became interested in Christian Science when I was a young child, and since that time this Science of Christianity has met my every need. I have been healed of paint poisoning, which was so severe that I was at the point of passing on, of a tendency to take cold, several so-called children's diseases, warts on both my hands, pneumonia, athlete's foot, and influenza. A severe and extremely painful condition of the spine, which made it almost impossible for me to sit or stand erect for any length of time without much distress, was healed instantaneously during the second day of class instruction in Christian Science. The joy and freedom experienced at the time of this healing are beyond words to express.

A single strand of pearls, dropped on a city street during a heavy snowstorm and not missed for two hours, was quickly found and returned after metaphysical work in Christian Science was taken up. This could not possibly be attributed to anything but the operation of divine law. The physical healing which is perhaps the most outstanding to me was that of a growth on my thumb several years ago. The condition finally became so painful that the slightest pressure was almost unbearable. The assistance of a practitioner was enlisted, and the fact that man is spiritual, and not in a material body, was one of the truths he brought out in his conversation with me. This was very difficult for me to understand, but through an earnest study of the Bible and Mrs. Eddy's writings I was able to see the great truth of that statement and the reason why it is so. Only a few minutes after this realization came, the growth on my finger fell away without any discomfort or bleeding, leaving a deep cavity, which filled in within the next twenty-four hours.

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