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From the July 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

An invitation is extended by The Christian Science Board of Directors to branches of The Mother Church throughout the world to share, in a new way, in the inspirational events taking place in Boston during an Annual Meeting season.

A meeting entitled "Our Immediate Opportunities," which was held in the Extension of The Mother Church on Tuesday evening, June 5, 1951, has been recorded in full on magnetic tape, including instrumental music, hymns, opening selections, and the complete address of each of the several speakers. Copies of this recording, which runs about two hours, are now offered to branch churches and societies for presentation at meetings of their members.

In the United States of America and some other countries portable machines for playing tape recordings can be rented at a nominal fee from radio repair shops, electronics supply dealers, and radio stations. Churches which wish to reproduce this meeting but are unable to locate tape play-back equipment locally may write to the address given below, stating what type of machine is available to them for playing recorded programs. An effort will be made to work out special arrangements for transcriptions to lie produced for such churches.

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