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Testimonies of Healing

Over thirty-five years ago I was healed...

From the July 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Over thirty-five years ago I was healed of inflammatory rheumatism from my hips down and also of consumption, which was supposed to have been inherited, as my father had passed on from this condition a few years before. We did not have much understanding of Christian Science, but rny mother clung to the thought that Science would heal me.

There were many calls for help from the practitioner, who answered every one with a firm, calm assurance, often quoting helpful passages from the Bible or from Science and Health by our Leader, Mrs. Eddy. Especially helpful was the following passage (Science and Health, p. 63): "In Science man is the offspring of Spirit. The beautiful, good, and pure constitute his ancestry." Although I had to miss three important months of my junior year in high school, I was able to return in the fall and graduate with my class the following June. My healing has been permanent.

Through the years Christian Science has met our needs. My mother was healed of cancer, my sister of goiter, and I have been healed quickly of the effects of accidents, including bruises, cuts, a sprained ankle, and a broken or dislocated bone in the elbow. I suffered intense pain for about a week and could not raise my arm or hold even a spoon in my fingers. My thought was awakened by my mother's words, "You have been healed many times with no help except your books, and you also know that 'when man is governed by God, the ever-present Mind who understands all things, man knows that with God all things are possible'" (ibid., p. 180). During the following week the pain ceased and the arm gradually resumed its normal functions.

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