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From the July 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Through the study of Christian Science we learn that the real and only man of God's creating reflects the freedom of the divine Mind. We learn that being, or existence, is not material but spiritual. We also perceive in some degree and demonstrate that one's identity is mental and that the ability to think or know is a divine bestowal. We should prize and respect that ability. We should respect our power to think, for even humanly it is an indication and proof of man's spiritual origin.

The psychologists, philosophers, and scientific men of all times have never explained why we think or by what means. Not one has explained mind or revealed its source. To them, what we term consciousness remains a mystery; yet all admit that mind exists and that without thought there would be no evidence of conscious being.

Christian Science alone gives us a rational and intelligent answer. It declares that God is one self-existent and infinite Mind; it reveals the inseparable relationship of idea to Mind. It shows that one's true identity is expressed in the knowing, or reflection, of that Mind and as the individual unfoldment of infinite ideas. It declares that spiritual consciousness is all there is or needs to be. Christian Science teaches that as one sees and claims this consciousness as his by reflection, he has discerned his real individual, incorporeal identity. Man's real being, then, is seen as spiritually mental, not physical or material; and conceiving man as spiritual, one constantly gains a clearer and more absolute realization of his mental identity and is therefore enabled to reject the suggestion that he lives in a material, mortal body.

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