When I was a very young child I suffered attacks of malarial fever. The treatment of the physician who attended me brought little relief, however, and the illness was prolonged. Finally my aunt, who was a student of Christian Science, asked to be allowed to take me to her home. In desperation my mother consented. Within a week's time I was permanently healed through Christian Science treatment.
Later, at a time when her life was despaired of, my mother turned to Christian Science for help, and she likewise was healed. However, I did not take up the study of Christian Science earnestly until grief over the passing on of a member of my family almost overwhelmed me. My mental state soon manifested itself in a physical disorder. I was attending college at the time and, in obedience to its rules, I went to the campus infirmary. The diagnoses which were made showed a kidney condition and appendicitis. My mother was informed that an operation was imperative. We then asked the college authorities for my release, from the infirmary. When this was given I was removed to the home of a Christian Science practitioner, and within a week I was healed.
For these and numerous other physical healings I offer my heartfelt thanks. Yet it is for satisfying spiritual sustenance, for a measure of the logical demonstrable understanding of God's goodness and love, revealed by Mrs. Eddy in the life and work of Christ Jesus, and increasingly unfolded to me through class instruction and consecrated study, that I am most profoundly grateful.—Atlanta, Georgia.