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Testimonies of Healing

More than seventeen years ago I had my...

From the July 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

More than seventeen years ago I had my first healing in Christian Science. At this time I knew nothing whatever of this Science, had never seen a Christian Science Quarterly, and had never attended a Christian Science church service or lecture. This healing was of chronic constipation and an intestinal obstruction that had been with me as long as I could remember. A physician in this city had exhausted every effort and finally recommended an operation; however, he could not guarantee that even this would be a success.

At this point I found Christian Science, and I never needed the operation. A relative in another state sent me a few copies of the Christian Science Sentinel and a Journal. which I read eagerly. I borrowed the textbook. Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, at a local Reading Room and started reading slowly and thoughtfully. I discarded all material methods and honestly and earnestly placed myself in God's tender care. In ten days, when I had read about two hundred pages in the textbook, the healing took place, and it has been permanent. I wanted to know how this healing had come about; so I continued studying and began attending church, f enrolled our two young children in the Christian Science Sunday-School. Later I became a member of a branch church and of The Mother Church, and the blessed privilege of church activities brought growth in grace. I have had many additional physical healings; among them are those of tonsillitis, carbuncles, recurring sick headaches, a badly sprained ankle, and a growth. At one time my family was protected from a great injustice, proving that "the sins of others should not make good men suffer" (Science and Health, p. 181). The so-called children's diseases touched the children very lightly, and some were never experienced. Scarlet fever was healed in one treatment by a practitioner. Grief was overcome at the passing of loved ones.

Later came class instruction, which brought more needed unfoldment and inspiration. My heart was singing, for I felt that I was beginning to know how to apply the wonderful truth. I can never express enough gratitude for the loving teacher, who reflected so much of the Christ. The desire for tea and coffee left me at this time, and a growth on my finger dried up and fell off. This growth had appeared nine or ten months before and seemed to be growing and becoming very painful and annoying.

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