I found Christian Science to be the answer to my search for a true and practical religion. As a child I had attended several Protestant Sunday Schools, and later, after I had investigated many different religions, I recognized that Christian Science is the truth.
I attended a Church of Christ, Scientist, for some time, delighting in this Science as a religion, but I was still seeking health through physicians. Finally, when I had spent all and was worse physically, I was told that I would not live a year without an operation, because of an internal disorder. However, I would not give my consent to the operation. At this time occupational eczema broke out on my hand, and I was told that I must change my work, as nothing could be done to cure the trouble. I was self-supporting, and this news seemed even more disastrous; these were indeed dark days.
At this point I turned wholeheartedly to Christian Science and asked for treatment from a practitioner. How very grateful I am for the wisdom and understanding I gained from my visits with her! And as unlovely traits of character, including self-pity, gave place to a greater understanding of the real qualities of the perfect child of God, the eczema disappeared, and I was able to continue with my work.