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From the August 1952 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There is perhaps no greater challenge to mankind and to the individual Christian Scientist than that of gaining a deeper and more practical understanding of divine Love. For there is no problem—economic, social, religious, political, or physical—that can prevail in the presence of Love understood and demonstrated. Therefore the most vital activity in the world today is the consecrated contemplation and utilization of the nature and ever-presence of divine Love.

Of the word "Love" in "Miscellaneous Writings" Mary Baker Eddy declares (pp. 249, 250): "What a word! I am in awe before it. Over what worlds on worlds it hath range and is sovereign! the underived, the incomparable, the infinite All of good, the alone God, is Love." Embodied in this profound statement are the true humility and greatness of the devoted woman who restored to humanity the precious gift of the understanding of the undivided healing love of Christ Jesus.

Indeed, in the career of Mrs. Eddy, as in that of Jesus, Christian Scientists have a dynamic example of the importance of divine Love lived and demonstrated to meet the human need. The Way-shower's command was both tender and explicit: "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another" (John 13: 34). These were the words of the most exalted exponent of Love the world has ever known. So conscious was he of his true selfhood that he continually manifested the Christ, It was Love in action which enabled him instantaneously to heal disease, sin, and death.

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