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From the August 1952 issue of The Christian Science Journal

To ensure stability and security for them-selves and their loved ones has been the purpose of men through the ages. They have striven for the security and comfort of a home and for leisure to enjoy them. The strife still goes on with varying degrees of success or failure. Yet centuries ago Jesus disclosed the one sure way to achieve harmony and stability when he pointed to the rule of acknowledging Love's government. He said (Luke 17:21), "The kingdom of God is within you,"

The world today, through disregard of the Master's precepts, seems to be rocking dangerously, torn this way and that by conflicting ideologies. But students of Christian Science, through the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, are learning of the kingdom within and demonstrating that their well-being results from a right understanding of the omnipresence and omnipotence of God's law of love, available to all who order their lives in faithful obedience thereto. The opening words of the Preface to "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy are (p. vii), "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings." In proportion as men do this the world will find universal peace and stability.

Some of the clearest observers of world events today consider that mankind has now the choice either of a period of unprecedented prosperity and well-being or of a time of conflict and perplexity. Modern discoveries have opened wide doors through which mankind can pass to ease burdens and enjoy a better standard of living. But Mrs. Eddy warns (ibid., p. 564), "The serpent is perpetually close upon the heel of harmony." In contrast to the bright prospect of universal prosperity, men are today faced with the threat that pent-up elements of rivalry, envy, revenge, and self-assertive will power may overtake their efforts and rob them of rich blessings through conflict and the stresses of war. So urgent seems the need for an immediate solution that we are said to be living on borrowed time. Surely it is imperative then that men delay not in rousing themselves to meet this challenge of evil with the higher understanding of universal Love, of God's allness and infinitude.

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