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The sermon on the mount

From the August 1952 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"How strange," he well might say if he were here,
"They seem not to remember what I taught,
Nor that I came to free them from their fear.
Was my earth journey then so much for nought?"
Would he believe they could so far have strayed
From all his heart poured forth in Galilee?
For men still seem in bondage, though he prayed
So long ago they might be lifted, free.
And not to kings and priests spoke he that day,
For their self-righteous lives but mocked and scorned
All that disturbed their own complacent way.
But simple folk, the sick, and they that mourned.
No greater need had they, but greater light,
For those who humbly seek can see afar
And know through patient faith in darkest night
The steady gleam of Truth's eternal star.
These would remember, well he might have thought.
So little time there was and at what cost
To give to men this treasure dearly bought,
And know his words be not entirely lost.
They would remember, and like runners bear
Down through the ages as a torch held high
The flame of living Truth his presence there
Lit with a brilliance that would never die.

How well he knew!
How well the Master knew
For then and time to come the world's great need.
In language exquisite the sermon grew,

Yet wove in common words they all might heed.
Truth uttered there embraced eternity.
With his disciples, standing thus apart.
Fearless, rebuking thought of Pharisee.
Yet touching tenderly the saddened heart,
Not to those listening ears alone he spake
But to all ages, as he gave complete
A chart to live by, hoping to awake
The slumbering thought and guide the wayward feet.
Patient he preached in parable and word.
In plain example of their simple day.
Reward for faith and steadfastness they heard.
Immortal life within the narrow way.
True riches, seeking, finding understood,
The law of mercy, and the perfect prayer,
Forgiveness, purity, and brotherhood
A way of living, all was patterned there.
Expounded briefly, beauty unexcelled
In truth, in wisdom, comfort, guidance live
Far more than all philosophers have spelled,
Or thousand theories can ever give.

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