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"Upon them hath the light shined"

(Isaiah 9:2)

From the August 1952 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Through valley, over hill, and up the steep
Ascent, Love guides us step by step. Our feet,
So often bruised until we learned to wear
The sandals of enlightenment, now bear
The heat of day, the chill of night, and meet
With courage darkling shadows on the way.
Our Leader, God-inspired, brought sight to men—
At first a slender gleam of light, and then
The full effulgence of unending day.
She bids us watch, and work, and pray until
The torch of Truth she held aloft will fill
Earth's darkened places with transforming light.
Oh, may its healing glow, piercing the night,
Awake mankind from apathy and sleep!

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